Jos Jonkers, PhD

Jos Jonkers, PhD

Head and Senior Group Leader
Division of Molecular Pathology
Netherlands Cancer Institute
Professor of Molecular Experimental Oncogenetics and Cancer Therapeutics
Leiden University
Leiden, Netherlands

Research Interests

Breast cancer development and progression; prevention and treatment of breast tumors; therapy response and resistance; mouse models; BRCA1/2-associated breast cancer and invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC); patient-derived tumor xenograft (PDX) models.

Current Affiliations

Senior investigator, Oncode Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands; professor, molecular experimental oncogenetics and cancer therapeutics, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands; managing director, The Mouse Clinic for Cancer and Aging research (MCCA), Amsterdam, Netherlands; senior group leader, the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Previous Positions

Head (2012-2021), and junior group leader (assistant professor) (2003-2008), Division of Molecular Pathology; group leader (associate professor) and permanent staff member, Division of Molecular Biology, the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


MSc, molecular sciences, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands (1989); PhD, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands (1999).

Postdoctoral Training

Postdoctoral fellow, the Netherlands Cancer Institute (2002), Amsterdam, Netherlands; senior research associate, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (2002), Hinxton, United Kingdom.

Selected AACR Service, Honors, and Awards

Member, Pezcoller Foundation-AACR International Award for Extraordinary Achievement in Cancer Research Committee (2023-2024); member, AACR Publications Committee (2021-2024); conference cochair, AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: The Evolving Landscape of Cancer Modeling (2020); member, AACR-Waun Ki Hong Award for Outstanding Achievement in Cancer Research (2019-2021); member, AACR Distinguished Lectureship in Breast Cancer Research Committee (2018-2020); cochair, Annual Meeting Program Committee (2017-2018); member, Editorial Board, AACR Journal, Cancer Research (2016-2019); chair, AACR Basic Cancer Research Fellowships Scientific Review Committee (2016-2017); member, Annual Meeting Education Committee (2013-2014); member, Breast Cancer Research Foundation-AACR Grants for Translational Cancer Research Committee (2013-2014); member, Editorial Board, AACR Journal, Molecular Cancer Research (2013-present).

Selected Non-AACR Service, Honors, and Awards

Member, Editorial Board, Cancers (2020-present); member, Advisory Board of Frame Cancer Therapeutics (2019-present); member, Scientific Advisory Board, CRUK Beatson Institute (2018-present); recipient, Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) 2018 Laura Ziskin Prize in Translational Research (2018); recipient, Senior Investigator grant (1.25 M€) by the Oncode Institute (2018); member, Scientific Advisory Board of Artios Pharma (2017-2020); scientific director, European Consortium of PDX models (EuroPDX) (2017-present); recipient, Grand Challenge Grant (17.3 M€) by Cancer Research UK (co-PI) (2017); member, Scientific Advisory Board, Newcastle University CRUK Drug Discovery Program (2016-present); vice chair, Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) Basic Science Committee (2016-2018); member, Board of Directors, European Consortium of PDX models (EuroPDX) (2014-present); recipient, ERC Synergy Grant (14.6 M€) by the European Research Council (co-PI) (2013); recipient, Roadmap Grant (18.1 M€) by NWO to establish a Mouse Clinic for Cancer and Aging research (MCCA) (2012); elected member, European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) (2012); member, Editorial Board, Cancer Medicine (2012-present); member, Editorial Board, The Journal of Pathology (2012-present); chair, Scientific Advisory Board, Ludwig Boltzmann Oncology Clusters (2011-2016); member, Editorial Board, Drug Resistance Updates (2010-present); member, Association for International Cancer Research (AICR) Scientific Advisory Committee (2007-2011); founding member of the European Network of Breast Development and Cancer (ENBDC) (2007-present); recipient, VIDI grant (600 K€) by NWO (2002); recipient, Genomics Fellowship by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) (2002).

Candidates for the AACR Nominating Committee