Abstract 784. Andrographolide altered inflammation pathways and cytokine expression in prostate cancer.
What are your long-term goals?
My main long-term goal is to finish my doctoral degree in pharmaceutical sciences, medicinal chemistry, and pharmacognosy. After finishing my doctorate degree, I’m interested in doing postdoctoral training to establish myself as a professor and researcher at an academic institution. I want to continue working in prostate cancer and breast cancer. I want to combine my experience in medicinal chemistry and molecular pharmacology to study other aspects of prostate cancer. As a professor, I will be able to train students and provide them the opportunity to participate in cancer research. Just as I have had the opportunity to research with an excellent mentor and with incredible opportunities such as the one offered by AACR to be able to present my research, I would like future scientists to have the same opportunities that I was able to take by giving them the necessary tools and mentorship help, so that they can fulfill their goals and aspirations in this research area. Also, as a scientist, I want to publish the results of my research in journals and periodicals, which are essential to document and communicate the results of research work. In the meantime, I will need to be actively involved in writing proposals for getting funds from grants for my research.
Please share information about how the pandemic has impacted your research over the last two years.
In these last two years, the pandemic has significantly impacted me in my area of research. The paralysis of all workers worldwide made it difficult for me to start my doctoral thesis project because I could not attend the laboratory in person. Although it made it difficult for me to carry out the experimental work since, for a while, I was unable to present any research; it did not stop me from continuing with my project. On the contrary, I encouraged myself to inform myself and be more precise about the main objective of my research. When the interruptions of the presential work occurred, I chose to look for alternatives and saw them as opportunities to carry out various literary revisions. This gave me the necessary knowledge to carry out my experimentation by returning to the laboratory in person. The experience I have had doing experiments during the pandemic allowed me to do the most I like, which is to teach and transmit my knowledge to undergraduate students so that they can be part of my research experience in a more personalized way, teaching-learning everything I learned during my search for information. The pandemic impact of my research is positive since it can put into practice everything known through what I read to be used in the experimental area of the project currently.