What are your long-term career objectives?
“My overarching career goal is to establish an independent research program to define the signals that initiate and sustain aberrant cell development leading to neoplastic transformation. My objectives focus on building a research program at an R1 institution that combines my expertise in endocrine-related cancers, biologically relevant model systems, and state-of-the-art technologies to unlock the underlying biology of cancer cell plasticity. I aim to train a diverse group of trainees on multi-dimensional and cross-disciplinary projects that are supported by continuous NIH funding. Ultimately, I will apply these discoveries toward uncovering novel therapeutic targets to aggressively advance the treatment of cancer. “
Abstract #3586: A Hedgehog-dependent signaling axis drives neural plasticity and oncogenic reprogramming in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.
Poster Session: PO.EN01.01