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AACR Financial Information

The AACR is a 501(c)(3) public charity as determined by the Internal Revenue Service. We aim to provide maximum transparency to assure our members and donors that their dollars are used wisely. The following audited financial statements provide an accurate view of the combined operations of the AACR and the AACR Foundation for the Prevention and Cure of Cancer, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

You can view our latest IRS-990 tax exempt returns below:

The mission of the AACR Foundation for the Prevention and Cure of Cancer supports that of the AACR—to prevent and cure cancer through research, education, communication, collaboration, science policy and advocacy, and funding for cancer research. Through its programs and services, the AACR fosters cancer research and related biomedical science; accelerates the ​dissemination of new research findings among scientists and others dedicated to the conquest of cancer; promotes science education and training; and advances the understanding of cancer causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment throughout the world. The Foundation funds programs deemed by the AACR to be of the highest priority and impact in achieving this shared mission.

The AACR takes great care in placing your donation where it truly belongs: in the hands of scientists making the latest breakthroughs in cancer research. By working hard to keep expenses low, the AACR Foundation ensures that 88 cents of every dollar raised is directed to support cancer research.