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Scientist↔Survivor Program®: Guidelines and Applications

AACR Annual Meeting Scientist↔Survivor Program® 2024 Application – First Year and Second Year Advocates AACR Annual Meeting Scientist↔Survivor Program® 2024 Application – Advocate Mentors

Patient advocates are encouraged to apply if they:

  • Want to learn more about cancer research and public policy;
  • Actively support cancer research through policy advocacy, research advocacy, and/or community outreach;
  • Have a constituency with which to share the knowledge they gain through the program;
  • Are in a position to communicate the knowledge gained from the program to colleagues and/or constituents and have access to avenues to disseminate this information;
  • Are able to participate in all components of the multiple-day program.

Application Review

Patient advocates are accepted through a highly competitive application process. Applications are reviewed by a committee based on the following criteria:

  • Alignment with AACR’s mission;
  • Level of experience in advocacy and knowledge of scientific research;
  • Patient advocacy priorities;
  • Populations served;
  • Past participation in the program.

Guidelines for AdVOCATES

Submission of an application does not ensure acceptance, and uncompleted applications will not be considered. Applications received after the respective due date will also not be considered for acceptance.

Advocates may only participate in the Annual Meeting SSP two times, after which they may apply to be an Advocate Mentor.

If accepted into the AACR Annual Meeting Scientist↔Survivor Program®, the AACR will cover all travel, lodging, and meals during the program. Participants will be responsible for incidental expenses including tips, phone, laundry, baggage fees, poster costs, and rental cars.

Advocates are required to attend the entire in-person educational program (Saturday – Tuesday) and present a poster during the AACR Annual Meeting. Additional information about the poster and the schedule of events will be provided upon acceptance into the program.

Guidelines for AdVOCATE Mentors

Submission of an application does not ensure acceptance, and uncompleted applications will not be considered. Applications received after the respective due date will also not be considered for acceptance.

Advocates MUST participate in the Annual Meeting SSP two times, before they apply to be an Advocate Mentor.

If accepted into the AACR Annual Meeting Scientist↔Survivor Program®, the AACR will cover all travel, lodging, and meals during the program. Participants will be responsible for incidental expenses including tips, phone, laundry, baggage fees, poster costs, and rental cars.

Advocate Mentors are required to attend the entire in-person educational program (Saturday – Tuesday) and meet with members of their working group as needed.

Please note that there are a limited number of positions available each year.


If you have any questions regarding the requirements and guidelines for the AACR Annual Meeting Scientist↔Survivor Program®, please contact [email protected]