Well known for investigating genetics in childhood cancers, Dr. Strong is also an expert in Li-Fraumeni syndrome, the rare autosomal dominant hereditary disorder that greatly increases susceptibility to cancer. Her laboratory has investigated the role of radiation, chemotherapy, and host-predisposing factors in the risk for subsequent tumors in childhood cancer survivors. Dr. Strong is a frequent speaker on the genetics of breast cancer and assessment of individual risk.
For much of her career, Dr. Strong has been involved in training future researchers and clinicians, as well as in continuing education and has held numerous administrative positions at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (UTMDACC), including interim co-director for Human Cancer Genetics Program, deputy department chair of the Department of Experimental Pediatrics, director for Basic Research in the Division of Pediatrics, and as section chief of clinical cancer genetics.
Career Highlights
2002 Professor of Cancer Genetics, Department of Breast Medical Oncology, Department of Cancer Medicine, UTMDACC
1999 Charles A. LeMaistre Outstanding Achievement Award in Cancer, UTMDACC
1999-2001 Director for Basic Research, Division of Pediatrics, UTMDACC
1997 Ashbel Smith Distinguished Alumna, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
1997 Distinguished Texas Geneticist, Texas Genetics Society
1997 Elected Member, Association of American Physicians
1996-1997 President, AACR
1993-1996 Board of Directors, AACR
1992-1996 Medical Director-at-Large, American Cancer Society
1990-2001 Professor, Experimental Pediatrics, UTMDACC
1981-Present Sue and Radcliffe Killam Professor and Chair, UTMDACC
1977-Present Professor, University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Houston
1975 Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
1970 MD, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston