Cancer Prevention Research Publication Discount
The AACR journal, Cancer Prevention Research (CAPR), publishes articles that focus on cancer prevention, preclinical, clinical, and translational research, with special attention given to molecular discoveries and an emphasis on building a translational bridge between the basic and clinical sciences. In collaboration with the Cancer Prevention Working Group Steering Committee, the AACR Publications Division offers a special discount of 5 percent on publication charges (excluding the Open Access fee) in addition to the AACR member discount of 5 percent to Cancer Prevention Working group members who publish in CAPR. Thus, the total discount on the charges is 10 percent for Cancer Prevention Working group members only. Authors should use the code 2023CAPRAO when receiving notification from the CAPR staff about author billing. Visit the CAPR Website to view recent issues and learn how to submit manuscripts for consideration on our Instructions for Authors page.