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Becoming an Advocate for Medical Research

No one understands the constraints of decreased federal funding as well as researchers themselves. Many cancer researchers, particularly early career investigators, understand the importance of advocating for science and funding, yet the demands of starting and running a lab often mean that advocacy activities get left behind. How do you get started in advocacy, and how do you craft your message into one that will resonate with Congress Listen to this March 15, 2015, webinar and see the slides.


Aime Franco, PhD
Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences’, former chair of the AACR Associate Member Council (AMC), and former AMC representative to the AACR Science Policy and Government Affairs Committee

The Honorable -M. Robert Carr, JD
Former member of the U.S. House of Representatives (D-Mich.)

Mary Lee Watts, MPH, RD
Director, Government Relations, AACR Office of Science Policy and Government Affairs