Congressional Briefing: AACR Cancer Progress Report 2019 Release—Transforming Lives Through Innovative Cancer Science
Wednesday, Sept. 18, Noon EST
Room 2168 (Gold Room), Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C.
The annual AACR Cancer Progress Report to Congress and the
American public, now in its ninth edition, is a cornerstone of the efforts of the AACR to educate policymakers and the broader public about cancer, including the remarkable progress that we are making against cancer, and the importance of robust, sustained, and predictable annual funding increases for the NIH, NCI, FDA, and CDC.
Specifically, the report underscores how recent advances across the clinical cancer care continuum, in particular immunotherapy and molecularly-targeted therapies, are helping cancer patients and their loved ones. This year’s report also focuses on the ways we are addressing the needs of the rapidly expanding population of cancer survivors, as well as the disparities that continue to exist in certain populations.