In This Section


All regular abstracts (submitted for the November 16, 2023 deadline) and late-breaking and clinical trial abstracts (submitted for the January 8, 2024 deadline) are available to view on the Online Proceedings. Alternative abstract formats are also available, including the downloadable PDF Proceedings.

Regular Abstract Sessions

The titles and text of the abstracts in these sessions are available for viewing:

Late-Breaking / Clinical Trial Abstract Sessions

The titles and text of the abstracts in these sessions are available for viewing:

Abstract Formats

The following electronic and print formats are available to attendees who wish to access the proffered abstracts accepted for presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting:

  • Online Proceedings. The Online Proceedings provides fully searchable access to the full text of all proffered abstracts (see above).
  • AACR Annual Meeting App. The AACR Annual Meeting App is no longer available for download. However, users who have the app installed can still access the full text of more than 7,000 abstracts.
  • PDF Proceedings. The PDF edition of the Proceedings of the AACR Annual Meeting contains the full text of all regular proffered abstracts (clinical trials and late-breaking abstracts are not included) and can be downloaded to devices such as the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Sony Reader, and the Barnes & Noble Nook.
  • Online Supplement to Cancer Research. All presented abstracts were published as an online-only supplement to the AACR journal Cancer Research. Regular abstracts were published on March 22, 2024, and clinical trial and late-breaking abstracts were published on April 5, 2024.
PDF ProceedingsDownload the PDF (27 MB)
AACR Proceedings, Part 1View the Regular Abstracts
AACR Proceedings, Part 2View the Late-Breaking and Clinical Trial Abstracts

Poster Presentations

All posters at the AACR Annual Meeting 2024 were presented in-person. E-posters are not available for this meeting.

General abstract inquiries

Please direct any questions to [email protected].